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AMDA - The Society for PALTC Medicine | July 24
New/Updated Guidance
Journal Articles/Preprints
- JAMDA: Development of a Screening Tool for Oral Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study
- JAMDA: Paramedic-Assisted Community Evaluation After Discharge: The PACED Intervention
- A scoping review of geriatric emergency medicine research transparency in diversity, equity, and inclusion reporting
Research Reports/White Papers
- Increasing RN staffing hours reduces injury-related ED visits by assisted living residents with dementia: study
- Palliative care is underutilized in nursing homes, says study
- Study on Nursing Home Staff Types Shows Higher RN Presence Ups Antipsychotic Drug Use, Cuts Hospitalizations, ED Visits
- JAMDA On-The-Go featuring the July issue of JAMDA
- Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and Getting to YES, August 6, 2024, 12:00 PM ET
- Elevate Eldercare: Building Bridges Between Eldercare and Disability Advocacy
- Geriatrics and Palliative Care Podcast: Ageism and Elections
- APIC and AAPACN: Exploring Intersections Between Post Acute Nursing & Infection Prevention & Control
News/News Analysis
- White House hosts nursing home leaders, invites perspectives ahead of looming respiratory illness season
- Fee-for-service skilled nursing utilization stable but still below pre-pandemic levels
- ‘The Poor Get Poorer’: Why State Relationships, Collaboration with CMS Is Needed to Mitigate Nursing Home Survey Risk
- Low Staffing Blamed as Quarter of State’s Nursing Homes Earn One Star, Labeled ‘Problem’ Facilities
- Cost, quality of care inform lists of nation’s most/least expensive assisted living communities
- State budget has ‘positive steps’ but does not do enough for providers, residents, groups say
- Regulating AI in caregiving settings will be challenging: NEJM authors