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PALT News - September 11



Association Chief Disputes Study Finding that Thousands of Nursing Homes Didn't Have a Medical Director in 2023


McKnight's Long-Term Care News
More than one-third of U.S. nursing homes did not have a medical director on-site during the first quarter of 2023, according to new study findings, which were strongly rebuffed by PALTmed President Dr. Rajeev Kumar. However, the report itself stated that nursing homes may have misreported Payroll-Based Journal data, which is the same conclusion reached by Dr. Kumar based on his reading of the study's abstract. Read more.


National Dementia Workforce Study Surveys Underway


NIH National Institute on Aging
Year 1 surveys have just entered the field. Four surveys will be conducted annually: Community Clinician, Nursing Home Staff, Assisted Living Staff, and Home Care Staff (including home health). The staff surveys each also have an administrator survey to learn more about how each organization operates. We encourage you to participate if you or your organization are contacted about taking a survey. With less than 30 minutes of your time, your voice can make a big impact. Read more.


Discover the Benefits of Advance Care Planning, Palliative Care, and Hospice


Serious Illness Messaging Toolkit
This toolkit was created to help health-care professionals change how the public views advance care planning, palliative care, and hospice care so that more people experience the benefit of these services. Read more.


RSV Vaccines Show High Effectiveness Against Hospitalization in Older Adults


MedPage Today
In adults 60 and over, vaccine effectiveness from October 2023 to March 2024 against RSV-associated hospitalization reached 75% (95% CI 50-87), according to researchers led by Diya Surie, MD, of the CDC in Atlanta. Read more.


TEAM Model Gives Nursing Homes Another Lever for Medicare Advantage Negotiations


Skilled Nursing News
Negotiating power with Medicare Advantage (MA) plans may become easier as nursing homes explore participation in bundled payment options such as the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM), which enables following patients through an entire episode of care. Read more.


Customer Service Key to Keeping New Residents


McKnight's Senior Living
Prospective senior living residents have certain expectations when it comes to quality of life and communications, meaning that providers need to up their customer service game to keep their residents, according to one marketing expert. Read more.


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